At TLS Learning, we believe that all people should have access to learning experiences when and where they need it.

Who We Are

We are a team of passionate professionals who want to help businesses create engaging and effective learning solutions that will not only improve the learners’ lives and performance but positively impact the bottom-line business results.

Our Story

TLS Learning has over 20 years of experience serving medium and large companies.  The company was founded in Minneapolis, MN in 2004 as a small, one-person business as Tara Bryan, Owner/Strategic Business Partner knew that there was a great need to create learning solutions that truly made an impact on the learners. We partnered with many firms to provide custom e-learning solutions.

Over time, as the need for engaging and impactful learning solutions grew, so too did TLS Learning. We are engaged in working with many more clients in various industries in Minnesota as well as around the country.

TLS Learning creates custom learning solutions using a solid instructional design and a development process to meet even the most challenging business objectives.

Our Values

At TLS Learning we are passionate about delivering creative learning solutions that make an impact.

We value:

Powerful Partnerships – We build long term relationships and partnerships in every interaction. We are the learning experts and you and your team are the content experts. Together, we can create powerful solutions to truly impact the business results of your organization.

Learning & Innovation- We are constantly in learning mode to ensure we provide the right solution as it exists today. We are experts in our field and strive to provide thought leadership. We love to share what we know to help you make informed decisions on the best solution.

Solution Focused – We are natural problem solvers and are not satisfied with the word “can’t” —It just isn’t in our vocabulary. If a solution needs something that isn’t clear cut – we work to figure out how to make it happen and find the right solution.

Individualized Attention – We believe every client and situation is unique. We start by understanding and unpacking your individual needs and challenges as an organization. We use solid design and development practices to provide the best solution that suits your needs.

Customer Focus – We are unwavering in our focus on you, the customer. We care about you and your needs. We always recommend and strategize to provide the best solution for you and your learners. You can count on us to ‘go the extra mile’. We aren’t satisfied until you are.

Meet Our Owner

Tara Bryan (LinkedIn Profile)
Owner/Creative Director

Career Highlights:  Tara has over 20 years of diverse experience in strategic consulting, instructional design, and programming development for clients in a variety of industries. She is recognized in her field as being an expert who is passionate about bringing e-learning to life to not only provide high-quality learning programs but to also ensure that learning transfer has occurred. Her unique skill set of instructional design, visual design, and technical expertise puts her and her team in a position to work with clients and create the right solution to exceed their business results. She also facilitates and teaches others how to best use the technology tools that are most useful for their individual organizations.

Sample Client List