Our Work Produces Results.

Client Success

Here are some examples of projects that we have worked on to coach and support customers produce results to take their business to the next level. 

Altman Fitness Membership Hub
A Fit Lifestyle Membership Hub & Native App

A Fit Lifestyle online coaching and fitness app offers a connected membership experience through community building, live and recorded workouts, programs, and challenges for members.


Built with WordPress, Buddyboss, and Learndash


It includes community touchpoints, gamification, and daily actions,

this site helps the member stay active and engaged.

Courses Built with a "Virtual You" Approach

Moving your offering online shouldn’t change the experience.

This is an example of a simulated course experience that creates a “Virtual You” or digital clone of your offer so you can show up, connect and effectively help your customer get results.

This course was built to teach people how to successfully learn and navigate the Facebook business manager page.

NourishRX Parent & Caregiver Experience
NourishRX had two challenges.
At the time, they could only treat individual patients in their specific geographical location. And that location already had a rather large waitlist of 1:1 clients, leaving a large gap for who they could help and impact with their work.
This membership experience created a consistent framework for the caregivers and patients to learn how to navigate through the path, get support, and resources as well as make connections as they were going through their journey.  


See Me - A Customer Service Training for Compassionate Caregivers
This client wanted to build a platform and program that allowed them to automate the training experience. They needed a solution that they could sell to the consumer, companies who had employees that wanted the training, other trainers who wanted to teach the material, and lastly companies that wanted to deploy it from their own platforms. They had built a website and structured their course but they didn’t have the backend learning management system that would allow them to deploy, track and automate the process. We created a streamlined and automated experience for both the learner AND the client. It will provide the essential foundation for them to continue to grow and scale their offerings. 
Sandrow Consulting
From Here to There: Leveraging Virtual Medicine - SandrowConsulting.com
Dr. Cherisa and Alex Sandrow are growing a Telehealth revolution. They created and launched a live cohort-based group program which takes physicians through the steps to transition into Telehealth. 
They are using Kajabi for their live group coaching sessions, community, courses and additional offers to make this a one of a kind program for their audience. 
This program includes CME credits, gamification, certifications, challenges, live calls and on demand modules. 
They were able to launch their beta and have quickly scaled to 6 figures in their second cohort offering. 
Real Estate Investing Masterclass -
What started as a bet, turned into an evergreen online course built using Kajabi software. This masterclass gives aspiring real estate investors the path to financial freedom through single-family homes.
This program includes gamification, certifications, on-demand modules and guest speaker interviews. 
Create and launch your online experience
Learn-Academy.online - A Course Launch Membership Experience
Learn Academy Online Course Experience is a membership platform that helps others learn how to plan, design and launch their learning experience. This platform combines all of the best features and options to create an experience that gets learners results, automates the process and allows the customer to grow and scale their community. 

Customer Experience Micro-Learning Course

Industry: Financial Advisory Firm

Target Audience: Company-wide cultural training

Objectives: The goal and idea behind this training was to create a learning experience that can be used to help the employees see one common vision, goal and belief for the firm. This micro-learning course includes 4 episodes and interactive video and demonstrates the behaviors that are appropriate with the company’s vision.

Outcome: Improve culture survey results, increase the number of offerings per client and increase overall firm wide revenue growth.

Software Used: Articulate Storyline

Product Knowledge & Sales Training Curriculum

Industry: Residential and Commercial Heating and Cooling Company

Target Audience: Employees

Objectives: Develop a large scale sales curriculum to train employees on the company’s products and services, with an emphasis on commercial sales growth.

Outcome: This curriculum is part of a gradual rollout over the next year and learner-specific data is still being compiled, but the initial response from pilot testers and executives has been very positive.

Software Used: 

  • Articulate Storyline 2
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Interactive Onboarding Training Course

Industry: Construction company who specializes in creating windows

Target Audience: New employees

Objectives: One of our newest clients came to us with one of their biggest training challenges, getting new employees to understand the complexity of their distribution process. The course was designed to be self directed and interactive, while teaching the newest employees about the products, manufacturing approach and distribution process.

Outcome: The newest team members can take the training wherever and can all participate in the company’s vision. They understand the internal processes.

Software Used: Articulate Storyline

Compliance Training

This energy company wanted to revise the way their PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) training was presented to employees. This course used site-based simulations and other interactive elements to enable the learner to make real-world decisions with immediate feedback.

Industry: Energy Company Construction

Target Audience: All internal employees

Objectives: Create a more engaging safety equipment training experience for learners.

Outcome: We were successful in creating an engaging learning experience that artfully incorporated playfulness and humor without losing a sense of the serious undertones of the training. The course garnered very positive feedback from the key stakeholders, and has become a model of course design for subsequent client training courses.

Software Used: 

  • Adobe Captivate
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Product Knowledge & Systems Training

Industry: Accounting Company

Target Audience: Tax Professionals

Objectives: Create a simulation course to train employees on using the company’s 1120S tax preparation software.

Outcome: 94% of users responded that they were confident in being able to prepare an 1120S form upon completion of the course.

Software Used: 

  • Adobe Captivate
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Sales Curriculum for Cosmeceutical Aesthetics Company

Industry: Cosmeceutical

Target Audience: Sales Employees

Objectives: Create a sales module that simultaneously provides an extensive knowledge base of product information, a uniform sales strategy, and talking points for representatives.

Outcome: The course was presented to the client’s European division in late 2015 and met with high acclaim. The included whiteboard video was later used as promotional material during a client presentation in Paris in late 2015.

Software Used: 

  • Articulate Storyline 2
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Videoscribe

Customer Experience Training

This course used video and branched scenarios to simulate the key behaviors that this organization created to help enhance the customer experience for their customers. This course helped learners practice identifying and using these key behaviors in realistic customer interactions that they may encounter.

Industry: Construction Company

Target Audience: All internal employees

Objectives: Design and develop an elearning course that uses audio and video extensively to illustrate the importance of creating a world-class customer experience.

Outcome: The course consists of 6 scenario-based modules that focused on a particular aspect of the customer experience behaviors. A video production team recorded hours of video interviews from corporate executives and employees that were edited into motivating testimonials and calls to action. The course has been a tremendous success and continues to be one of the client’s flagship courses in terms of content scope and design.

Software Used: 

  • Adobe Captivate
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Interactive Scenario Training Interactions

Interactive Sliders
Interactive Charts & Graphs

These interactions were from a series of example scenarios used to provide ideas for clients. 

Leadership Training

Sample Activity

This series of Human Resource courses taught the managers of the various city government branches how to comply with the training course to help new supervisors transition into their role.

Industry: Government

Target Audience: Internal and External Partners

Objectives: Design and develop an elearning course that uses audio and video extensively to illustrate the importance of creating a world-class customer experience.

Outcome: Created highly interactive course on new supervisor training and successfully launched it to all internal and external partners.

Software Used: 

  • Lectora
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Systems Training


This course introduced new hires in the organization how to safely prevent hazards in the workplace. 

Industry: Food Packaging Company

Target Audience: All internal employees

Outcomes: The company was having trouble consistently providing classroom onboarding training and needed a more scalable approach. We were able to create an interactive learning experience that helped new hires learn how to prevent hazards and stay safe at work. 

Software Used: 

  • Adobe Storyline
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Interactive Procurement Training

This course allowed team members at a construction company to navigate new business processes and procurement tools. 

Industry: Construction

Target Audience: Internal team members and partners

Objectives: Design and develop an elearning course that uses audio and video extensively to illustrate the importance of creating a world-class customer experience.

Outcome: Provided a consistent training curriculum for team members for a new business system. 

Software Used: 

  • Lectora
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop

Leadership Training

Sample Activity

This series of Human Resource courses taught the managers of the various city government branches how to comply with the training course to help new supervisors transition into their role.

Industry: Government

Target Audience: Internal and External Partners

Objectives: Design and develop an elearning course that uses audio and video extensively to illustrate the importance of creating a world-class customer experience.

Outcome: Created highly interactive course on new supervisor training and successfully launched it to all internal and external partners.

Software Used: 

  • Lectora
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop